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Lawn Care Blog

Deer eating vegetation in lawn

How to Protect Your Lawn from Deer Damage

Yes, deer are lovely to look at. But the damage they can do to ornamental trees, shrubs, and other plants is not. Though there’s no sure-fire way to completely deer-proof your yard, there are several measures you can take to deter them, and the bigger your bag of tricks the better. Here are a few of the many popular approaches to keeping Bambi at bay. Wrap Young Trees During Fall….

Monarch butterfly on zinnia flower.

Attract Butterflies to Your Garden with These Plants

Nothing feels more like summer than seeing butterflies floating around a colorful Atlanta garden. And since Georgia is home to a number of butterflies like monarchs, painted ladies, tiger swallowtails, and black swallowtails, it’s relatively simple to attract them to your lawn. In addition to adding beauty to your outdoor space, they will pollinate your flowers and help sustain a healthy garden. Below, we’ve listed a few flowers that are…

Close-up of celosia bloom.

Grow These Hardy Plants for Flowers All Summer

Though it’s late spring, it’s not too late to plant flowers for mid- to late-summer blooms. We’ve rounded up a few that require little maintenance and will yield beautiful flowers to enjoy during the hot months ahead. With these varieties, add color to your outdoor space or cut them for an arrangement you can enjoy inside your home as well. These flowering plants love hot temperatures and will thrive throughout…

Three potted plants on outdoor patio.

Enhancing Your Outdoor Living Space for Spring and Summer

Early spring is the perfect time to prepare your southern lawn and outdoor living space for the warmer months ahead. While your lawn wakes up and the days grow longer, take advantage of the natural beauty around you by creating an outdoor space for you and your family to enjoy. Read on for a few simple tips that will help you create an outdoor oasis at your own home.  …

Purple and violet spring pansies.

5 Flowers to Plant Now for Early Spring Blooms

February means that spring is just around the corner. Though your lawn may look dormant, now is the time to start preparing for the upcoming warm season. Pre-spring treatments like aeration and fertilization are key to maintaining beautiful, thick grass. And if you’re anxious for some color to appear in your garden soon, try planting these five flowers that you’ll be able to harvest in early spring. While we’re sure…

Trees and shrubs in green lawn.

Atlanta Georgia Planting Season: What to Plant and When

We’re at the start of a brand new year, a great time to plan gardening and landscaping for the months ahead. Read on for our breakdown of what and when to plant cabbage in Georgia and other plants in your Atlanta garden. While maintaining a beautiful garden and lawn takes labor, you’ll be rewarded by a bounty of colorful, fragrant flowers, delicious vegetables, and a beautiful Atlanta lawn to enjoy…

Leaves on large houseplant.

Tips for Winter Houseplant Care

With the mild autumn temperatures behind us and winter officially here, you may have moved some of your plants indoors or added some houseplants to liven up your home during the long winter day. Here are our top tips to help your indoor plants reach their full potential this season: Water Smart: Most plants are in hibernation mode this time of year, requiring less water. Your plant doesn’t necessarily need a deep…

Pink azalea shrubs

Top 5 Tree and Shrub Care Mistakes to Avoid

Your grass is only part of the equation when it comes to your home’s curb appeal. Landscaping is another big component. To keep your yard looking its best, you need to not only focus on lawn care service, but also make ornamental tree and shrub care a priority in your Atlanta lawn care routine. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, and one misstep can have major implications for the health…

Landscaping along a fence.

Fence Line Planting and Gardening

If your house is one of the many with a perimeter fence, you have a variety of landscaping options to add interest to your landscape. Whether you’re looking to enrich the aesthetic feel of your yard or provide additional cover and privacy, fence line planting is important. You can construct several different looks depending on what you plant. What to Plant with Privacy in Mind If you are trying to…